Everything to know about registered agents
A registered agent is a person or organization that serves a corporation, a limited liability company, a limited liability partner, or a limited partnership by receiving official papers on the business’s behalf. Appointing a registered agent is one of the compliance requirements of running a business. As this is an essential part of setting up a business, it requires careful consideration. So, here are some of the functions, processes, and services of a registered assistant. Functions of a registered agent This person or organization is appointed by the business and follows instructions and authorization of the body to receive legal documents presented to the business. This also involves receiving all official communication from the government regarding the business. Communicating with the registered agents is as good as communicating with the companies directly as they have the authority to represent the business. One of the main and most essential functions of an RA includes receiving and then forwarding the “service of process” to the right person in the corporation. Usually, the appropriate person to whom this document is forwarded is the lawyer of the company; however, in some cases, a company official will receive the document to send to the lawyer.